Categories: 最新消息


和仕集團 新冠狀肺炎防疫措施


親愛的客戶 您好 






  1. 和仕將開放外部公區及茶水區,由於尚在疫情期間座位數將進行調整並全面禁止飲食,皆須配戴口罩。
  2. 客戶進入皆須配戴醫療級口罩及實施簡訊實聯制,並先用酒精消毒雙手後方可入館。
  3. 訪客入館須提前通知櫃台,並遵守量體溫、實施簡訊實聯制及填寫紙本訪客表。
  4. 25樓及27樓櫃台秘書將恢復服務,秘書服務時間照常。
  5. 人員將定時消毒公共區域,包含飲水機、咖啡機、常用把手、印表機、冰箱等。
  6. 因應疫情社交距離會議室人數容納調整,入內皆須配戴醫療級口罩,僅提供館內辦公客戶租借,人數須在四人以下,會議室最高上限容納人數如下。※小會議室:2位;中會議室:3位;大會議室:4位,採預約制。
  7. 信件包裹處理方式將噴灑酒精進行消毒噴過靜置,統一於櫃檯領取,自取信件如需協助寄出請洽櫃台秘書。
  8. 為確保冰箱整潔及衛生,放置於冰箱之物品須保持包裝完整性,請勿放置未密封的食品。
  9. 如疫情持續嚴峻經主管機關宣布上升為四級警戒,和仕將即時公告並通知客戶,若客戶有特殊情況需協助處理須立即提出,和仕將於警戒發布當日淨空,並將鐵捲門拉下不對外開放直至警戒解除。
  10. 櫃台秘書服務事項,將因疫情狀況機動性調整,或暫停服務時間,並事先告知客戶。




  1. 大樓入內皆須配戴口罩及配合簡訊實聯制、量體溫,於電梯內禁止交談。
  2. 進入停車場車輛之全部成員須配合測量體溫。





和仕集團 關心您




Hanse COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Prevention Measures


In response to the CDC extend the time of epidemic alert, Hanse adopted the following prevention measures immediately from 7/27/2021(Tue.) to ensure the safety and health of customers:


I. Hanse group Health and Safety Policy


  • The public area and pantry is avaliable for visitors with masks(no food or drink).
  • All clients/visitors should wear a surgical mask and sterilize their hands and conduct name registration before entering Hanse.
  • The reception of 27F and 25F provide secretary service as usual.
  • Hanse secretary will regularly sterilize the water dispenser, coffee machine, door handles, copy machine, refrigerator, and so on.
  • Based on social distance requirements, the maximum of people in the conference room should be permitted to 4 pax. Conference rooms only provide clients of standard office,and all clients should wear surgical mask at all times when using it.
  • The number of people permitted in the conference room by following rules:
    ※small conference room: 2 pax ; medium conference room: 3pax; large conference room: 4pax.
  • All the letters and deliveries will be sterilized when received, only picked up at the reception. If you need assistance in sending mails, please contact us.
  • In order to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene inside the refrigerator, please keep the integrity of the package when placing items, and do not place unsealed food.
  • If the authority announces that it will be upgraded to Level 4 alert, Hanse will immediately notify clients. Simultaneously, if clients require assistance, please inform us. Additionally, Hanse will close on the day of publication, and roll the door Pull down and not open to outside until the alert is lifted.
  • Clients will be notified in advanced if there is any adjustment or temporarily closed of secretary additional services .


II. Building Health and Safety Policy


  • Please wear a surgical mask when enter the building at all time, also while in the elevator, please do not talk on the phone or having conversation with others.
  • Body temperature will be check strictly to all personnel enters the building by vehicle.


Whoever feels illness or body temperature is over 37.5 should report to CDC and self-quarantine.
Prevention measures above will be updated according to the latest instruction from CDC.
Hanse group reserves the rights of final interpretation.


(Updated on 2021/07/26)

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